Selecting a theme.

You can choose a theme from those of our platform in the theme section. When you click on one theme, a preview will be displayed to give you an idea.

If you like the theme, you can click "Save" to apply it for on blog.


Each theme has its own features list. Those options depend on the theme. You will find the options on "Theme" > "Configuration".

Some examples recurrent in almost all themes:

Summary / number of sections/ full article

you can select how to display your articles on the homepage.

You have 3 options:

  • All: displays the whole article

  • Summary: only shows a summary of your fisrt text section, and the cover picture.

  • 1 to 10: number of section to display on your article preview from the homepage.

Selecting sharing buttons

Sharing options allows you to choose whether you want sharing buttons to appear on your blog or not.

We recommend to show those buttons, to let your visitors share your content if they want to, so that you’ll get more visits.

Hiding widgets

In many Themes, some widgets are optionals. For each widget, tick the box so that they won’t appear in your blog.

Why isn’t my widget displayed?

Some widgets have to be filled in to be displayed on your blog, such as “About” section : you must have filled some informations (pseudo, biography, avatar in Settings > User > Profile).

Pages widget doesn't appear if you don’t have any pages.

Going further...

You can change your theme’s code. To do so, click on Theme > Edit > HTML.

You’ll then have full access to the whole theming code. You’ll get more informations on this blog :

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